The recent cut in US aid to Africa – which was always a Trojan horse anyway – has only bolstered the case for overcoming decades of dependency by uniting as a continent. In this clip from last year, an Eritrean expert on development argues that a united Africa is our only defence against the predatory forces that plague us.
Speaking at the launch of The Afro-Asia Institute for Strategic Studies in Nairobi in January 2024, Milena Bereket said that Western powers reaped all the benefits when dealing with the individual ‘pieces’ of a fragmented Africa, leading to lopsided relationships and neo-colonial exploitation. Uniting under common economic and political interests would ensure African nations get the best deal, no matter who we’re dealing with.
Would it still be possible to shake-down an African nation when we are all speaking in one, loud voice?
Video credit: Afro-Asia Institute for Strategic Studies
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Less talking and more doing. Convincing self-absorbed elites, corporate and political, in Africa to move away from (neo) liberal capitalism toward a unified, Pan-Africanist vision that honours its working class would mean they would have to love Africa more than themselves. Foreign funded, foreign controlled puppet regional bodies like African Union and ECOWAS, weak unions that opt for “business unionism” over “class unionism”, the what-is-in-it-for-me political leaders that prefer authoritarianism, harassment, murder and bribery over their motherland, and then corporate elites who actively support foreign colonial nations because they have business or career aspirations are all reasons why sooner rather than later a working people’s revolution is needed in Africa. The elites lied and hid neocolonialism while normalising imperialist structures like military bases and foreign aid. They are the aging cryptkeepers of Africa that should lose their power, if not their citizenship. All the money hidden in tax havens must be repatriated with interest to Africa. Nuclear weaponry is now necessary rather than a nice-to-have and Africans need to leverage the immediate withdrawal of operating licenses of all multinationals operating in Africa if African countries are dragged into the current tariff, blackmail warfare instigated by blue and red stars and stripes at the moment. Also, please watch the Rania Khalek episode with Yanis Varoufakis on Europe’s collapse and why Liberals keep losing, he outlines what the blue and red stars and stripes plans on doing economically to countries around the world. It is an economic assault and then blackmail strategy. Something African countries and their economists need to be aware of.