Decades of indoctrination by school history books spinning a narrative that has the West as the origin of all things good and civilised means many Westerners have no idea that it’s actually Africans who gave them some of the greatest cultural and intellectual achievements known to humanity. We’re talking advances in farming, agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, geography, hygiene, architecture, art and philosophy. Much of this was brought up from North Africa by the Moors, who conquered and ruled what is now Spain and Portugal for 700 odd years.
The lady in this video says that’s something even many Africans are unaware of. (If anyone knows who she is, please tag us in the replies so we can attribute the content to her properly.) She argues that the Western historical narrative wilfully ignores the African contribution to ‘European’ civilisation because doing otherwise would legitimise the idea that Black people can dominate – militarily and culturally – on what White people see as ‘their’ territory, thus shattering the myth of White supremacy. And it erases the chief colonial ‘justification’ for our historical subjugation: our ancestors’ supposed primitiveness.
Whether the ‘ignorance’ she attributes to us is a fact or not, she’s surely spot on about what motivated the Western writers of history. What do you think?