Author: Dennis Kahohi

A leaked document titled the ‘Adaptive Country Plan Research’ – obtained by West Africa Weekly’s @DavidHundeyin – reveals the extent of the on-going information war in…

In this 1964 clip, we see Pan-Africanist Malcolm X (1925-65) pushing back on CBS News reporters who, like mainstream media past and present, love to strip…

The West has consistently misrepresented Africa as a continent of poverty and in dire need of saving. But it’s quite the opposite: The West desperately needs…

The Gullah Geechee community are descendants of enslaved Africans forcibly brought to the coastal regions of the US states of North and South Carolina, Georgia and…

Not everyone who looks like you is your ally. The tragic rise in violence in the Congo serves as a sad reminder that, despite our shared…

Belgium’s destabilisation of the DRC is not just history, it continues today. From colonialism, assassination and backing dictators, to resource exploitation, economic plunder and neo-colonial control…

The fight against racism in the US has been ongoing since the first Africans disembarked from slave trading ships. Centuries later, Africans still fight to be…

@hairpartyclub (IG) organised a party on the Caribbean island of Martinique to show African girls how to care for their natural hair while celebrating their beauty…