Author: Dennis Kahohi

The portrayal of Scots as abolitionists and liberal champions hides a long history of Scottish profiting from the enslavement of Africans. The wealth accumulated from the…

How important is leadership? Will a great people under a lesser leader succumb to weaker forces led by someone great? We might want to take this…

On the 10th of November 1898, over 2,000 armed white people descended on Wilmington City Hall in the US state of North Carolina and forced Black…

On this day in 1995, Nigeria – under the military regime of General Sani Abacha – executed nine Indigenous environmental organisers, known as the Ogoni 9.…

Prestigious Ivy League universities, such as Princeton, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania, and the most prominent US museum, the Smithsonian, look in cahoots with gravediggers.…

President Macron got a standing ovation in Morocco recently – vowing full French support for Rabat’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara. It goes against most…

Palestinians have been speaking on the true nature of Israel for decades. While rare, here is an Israeli voice, veteran journalist Gideon Levy, giving weight to…