Browsing: Africa

For Wednesday’s Wisdom this week, we remember the words of great Congolese pan-African revolutionary Patrice Lumumba (1925-61). They’re as relevant as ever, with his home country…

The word ‘terrorist’ has been bandied around since the US kicked off its ‘War on T*rror’ in 2001 and really even before that. But who gets…

In this clip from a recent Haïti Inter interview, Haitian historian and journalist Michel Soukar argued that the political class and others who benefit from the…

This week’s African proverb is a reminder that the same challenge can affect us differently – depending on our constitution. Do we bow to life’s pressures…

Afro-Caribbean revolutionary and psychiatrist Frantz Fanon is perhaps the most influential anti-colonial thinker of his time. He died on this day, December 6th, in 1961. His…

The latest video of US President Joe Biden falling asleep during a summit – in Africa, this time – has been branded yet another ‘embarrassment’ for…