Kenya’s president William Ruto – in an interview with broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) during his two-day visit to Germany – claimed 250,000 young Kenyans could expect to get jobs in Germany. But he was quickly fact-checked by the German interior ministry, which tweeted that Ruto’s claim was false and that the new labour and migration deal signed between Berlin and Nairobi “does not include any numbers or quotas of skilled workers who will have the opportunity to work in Germany.”
The migration deal, signed with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, states that skilled workers from Kenya can apply to live and work in Germany. It also facilitates the repatriation of Kenyans who failed their asylum requests and therefore don’t have the right to stay in Germany.

It’s not the first time Ruto has been caught lying. The ‘flying president’ tried to excuse splashing out 1.5-million dollars on a private jet for his recent state visit to the US by claiming that, overall, it was cheaper than using the national carrier Kenya Airways. But people did the maths and called him out: if Ruto and four of his top officials had booked first-class return tickets ($4,500 a pop) and if the rest of his 30-strong entourage had flown economy ($1,300 each), that would have come to $61,500. And if we add a hotel bill of $600 per person (covering three days), the total price of his state visit could have been around $82,500.
Or there’s the fact that – bowing to pressure from nationwide protests – he dismissed his cabinet and promised to install fresh faces. Yet his new ‘unity’ government of 11 included six old faces he’d just ‘dismissed.’
What is your level of trust in Ruto, on a scale of 1 to 10?
#williamruto #KenyanPresident #DeutschWele #DW #Germany #Berlin #US #FirstClass #StateVisit
1 Comment
Is President Ruto a 21st. Century slaver? It seems he wants to sell his people. The young , skilled people are the ones who will build the Kenyan future. I think his lie was a Freudian slip, meaning his real goal is to get those who challenge him.